Executive Director Message

Berhane Wongel Baptist Church Development Organization (BWCDO) is a Non-governmental, Nonpolitical, multidimensional faith-based development organization. It is working in different parts of our country; Oromia Regional State, South Ethiopia Regional State, Amhara Regional State and Addis Ababa City Administration. The organization has come past over a long path of development and continuing its efforts in the line of its Vision, Mission, Goal, and Objectives. The present success and forwards trends are the result of partner faith organizations, and staff member’s utmost involvement and commitment. BWCDO have some limitations, but proud to say here that, there are no any shortage of commitment, transparency and accountability in all aspect.

In our effort, continuous advice and assistance from well-wishers are increasing gradually. Financial and technical assistance of Compassion International, Eagle Brook Association, Chino Valley Community Church, Baptist General Conference (Converge) etc and their day to day mentoring have been stimulated us to accelerate for such of instant success. I want to thank you most sincerely for your incredible generosity in supporting BWCDO over the past 30 years.

Heartiest thanks and grateful to all of them, whose have been solicited their whole-hearted cooperation in serving our community through our development organization. We hope, necessary advice and support of different stakeholders will be continued to play effective roles of BWCDO in Holistic Children Development, Students Hostel services, Orphanage support, Relief and emergency support, advocacy, environmental protection and related development and humanitarian program.

We invite interested Persons/Institutions/Organizations/Agencies both home and abroad may become part of our work as owner and credibility of excellencies for the wellbeing of most disadvantaged communities.

“Loneliness and the feeling of unwanted is the most terrible poverty”  Mother Teresa

Best Wishes and Regards!

Yosan Regassa

BWCDO Executive Director
